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How to fight acne

Acne is an inflammation of the pilosebaceous glands and can present a series of problems that generate blemishes, even quite marked.

The inflammation, in fact, can manifest itself through papules (solid lesions), pustules (serious lesions due to the action of bacteria), comedones (the typical black or white spots), superficial suppurated cysts and fistulisation.

Basically, acne is formed when the pore from which the hair should come out fills up with sebum and dead cells until it becomes clogged. It is not a coincidence, in fact, that in preadolescence, when the body produces more sebum, many young people have to deal with this problem.

The closed pore on the outside generally appears as a white spot (closed comedone) or a black spot (black comedone). In itself, this state does not generate a real inflammation, but only a blemish. The inflammatory state is generated when the plug resists and the sebum continues to accumulate in the channel that should contain the hair, until it tears the membrane. Here then appears the furuncle, which is nothing more than a pustule, or a papule. With no way out, the inflammation progresses leading to the formation of cysts and nodules.

To effectively combat this problem, Dr. Poli has formulated a facial cleanser capable of rebalancing the hydrolipidic supply of the skin and an innovative product to combat acne on multiple levels.

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La MOUSSE VISO, specifica per pelli sensibilissime, deterge e strucca molto delicatamente, rispettando il naturale equilibrio idrolipidico fisiologico della pelle. Il risultato è una pelle morbida e vellutata che non dà alcuna sensazione di tensione.



Ideale per la pelle acneica, il BOOSTER FUNZIONALE ACNETIL è un concentrato di principi attivi con funzione purificante, e dermoprotettiva.

Il prodotto agisce regolando la produzione di sebo, effettua un peeling chimico dolce e riduce le lesioni acneiche.


Face cream

Crema viso microemulsione in mousse, è leggerissima, purificante, idratante, a rapido assorbimento e toglie l’effetto lucido alla pelle.



La CREMA VISO LIFT AGE PELLI MISTE EFFETTO RASSODANTE è bilanciata in preziose sostanze che ridonano il livello ideale di acqua e lipidi alla pelle mista.

Questo trattamento quotidiano leviga, nutre e ridona elasticità alla pelle, lasciandola idratata a lungo.



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