Sweating is a physiological process that consists of an increase in the secretion produced by the sweat glands to maintain a control of body temperature. However, the amount of sweat is influenced by several causes that can interact with each other. In fact, everyone can attest to an increase in their sweating during physical activity, in moments of nervous tension, in environmental conditions that show excessive heat and when there are states of fever or weakness. To be reported, also, an increase in sweating also related to hormones, in the growth phase of adolescents, but also, for women, in premenstrual periods, in pregnancy and premenstrual.
The skin, in order to stay healthy, needs to perspire and sweat, thus staying in contact with oxygen. However, due to the participation of other skin components such as sebum and corneocytes, sweating leads to the formulation of bad odors.
The eccrine or sweat glands, found throughout the body but particularly in the axillary cavity, on the hand and under the feet, primarily perform a thermoregulatory function. The secretion of these glands is odorless and contains small percentages of lactic acid and glucose, The apocrine glands are diffuse in the axillary cavity, do not have a thermo-regulatory function, but are influenced by hormones such as adrenaline. The secretion produced by these glands is lipo-proteinic, it is affected by hormonal variations, it can be attacked by bacterial flora causing unpleasant smells. After all, the typical underarm odor is the result of a combination of protein, sulfur and butyric compounds. Together with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the apocrine sweat generates unpleasant odors, as mentioned, also due to the intervention of the bacterial flora.
The laboratories Poli© after months of research have formulated an antibacterial deodorant. Dr. Poli’s intention was to create a product that would leave the skin’s perspiration unaltered, without compromising the body’s delicate balance with substances that would form a sort of plug. The solution was found by fighting the real cause of bad odors, namely the action of bacterial flora.
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MOUSSE CORPO è stata ideata per chi ama trattare la propria pelle con dolcezza e delicatezza. Ideale per tutta la famiglia. Grazie ad una soluzione innovativa, priva di sostanze chimiche altamente aggressive contenute nei più comuni detergenti, MOUSSE CORPO assicura un’efficace pulizia della pelle, senza comprometterne il fragile equilibrio, lasciandola morbida ed idratata.
Frutto di una ricerca scientifica durata ben 18 mesi, DEO SOFT FRESH SPRAY rappresenta un prodotto estremamente delicato ed efficace in grado di svolgere un’azione deodorante senza arrecare alcun danno alla persona.
A differenza di molti altri deodoranti, DEO SOFT FRESH SPRAY non contiene derivati dell’alluminio come aluminium chlorohydrate e potassium alum (conosciuto anche come pietra antiodore), che svolgono un’azione antitraspirante impedendo la fuoriuscita dell’80% del sudore prodotto dal corpo, tuttavia questa attività blocca l’espulsione delle tossine che l’organismo ha necessità di eliminare. A tal proposito, in Germania, l’Istituto Federale per la Valutazione dei Rischi ha dichiarato che i deodoranti contenenti alluminio dovrebbero essere evitati. Inoltre il prodotto non contiene oli essenziali ricchi di sostanze allergizzanti (individuate dal legislatore come dannose per la loro capacità di causare allergia e sensibilizzazione).